Industry Efforts
Members of the Canadian Beverage Association are committed to being a strong supporter of better health outcomes for Canadians.

The beverage industry’s objective with the Balance Calories Initiative (BCI) is to reduce the calories Canadians consume from beverages by 20% in the decade between 2014 and 2025.
Since the launch of the BCI, the share of low-calorie servings inmost beverage subcategories grown.

Too many things in life are already complicated, but your beverage doesn’t have to be. Clear on Calories is a voluntary, national Canadian beverage industry initiative that makes the number of calories in Canadian Beverage Association members’ products even more clear and consumer-friendly. Together, we’re helping Canadians to make informed beverage choices for themselves and their families at every point of purchase.
Responsible Advertising of Food and Beverage Products to Children
The Canadian Beverage Association requires and prioritizes a responsible approach to advertising to child audiences. That’s why in collaboration with the Association of Canadian Advertisers, Food, Health and Consumer Products Canada, and Restaurants Canada we helped to develop the Code for the Responsible Advertising of Food and Beverage Products to Children.
The Code and Guide serves as an important resource to ensure responsible marketing to vulnerable audiences and meets or exceeds the latest Health Canada recommendations and objectivess in restricting advertising of food and beverage product to children.